Me, my two sisters and mum completed a 13.1 mile walk on Saturday night, kitted out in decorated bras! It's all in aid of the 'Walk the Walk' charity, who raise money for Breast Cancer research projects, help for cancer sufferers and alot more. This is a charity very close to my families hearts and we hope to attend annually. This walk starts in Hyde Park and takes a route around the hotspots in London, but all at night! (Hence the MOONwalk) we started at 11:30pm and finished at 4:00 am. Earning us a well deserved medal at the end! 15,000 men and women took part this year, an amazing opportunity for a great cause. We have managed to raise £500 collectively. You can still donate at:
There were alot of confused looking drunk people along the course, all not entirely sure if all the half dressed women were real or not!