Learn something new everyday.

I love this website! Fun little facts that will keep you entertained and educated in the little wonders of the world. Learn more.

Post your secrets for the world to see.

I am doing alot of research for my dissertation on postcards at the moment. I found this blog along the way. I find it bizarre how people want to secretly share their secrets with the world. It's fascinating to look through what people want to share with the world. Have a nose.

Shell sink.

Saw this and thought it was worth talking about! A nice take on a conventional object. More info here.

Creative use of Analogue.

Came across this guy on the 'It's nice that' website. I think it's a really cool way of using a set of 35mm frames, a lot of preparation involved with visually interesting results. See more at http://www.martinwilson.net/index.html


I found this website earlier today, capturing the awkwardness in everyday photos. It's pure genius. Definately worth a look. http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/

you can kingston

YouCanKingston is a project that aims to work with the community to bringing lasting health service benefits to the Cambridge Road Estate in Kingston. The project was hosted by ThinkPublic, they invited people from the Uniiverstiy to join them in there project. We were invloved with painting the logos for the campaign around the estate and doing questionnaires in and around the local area to get more people involved with the organisation. More photos of the project can be seen on the youcankingston flickr site or at: www.youcankingston.com

Our efforts were noticed by the local paper, The Surrey Comet. The article can be seen here:


Originally uploaded by thinkpublic

Well dressed walking man.

Walking through town I saw these signs with added fancy clothing, very nice!

Carpeted Streets?

The local Carpet Cleaning company put all these carpets and rugs out on the surrounding pavement to dry out. It was just very odd to walk past!


These photos were for a self initiated project on territory. I decided to look at how people define the boundaries of their property, it reflects how the owner wants to come across to the oter residents. Some are proud, some private and some just don't care. See more on my flickr page, through the link...

Originally uploaded by lucysimmons

Tourist Behaviour.

I spend alot of time in London, as its my hometown. I love watching the tourists to see how they behave whilst sightseeing. This has led onto another project about 'The Visitor' which plays on the fact that, no matter how far they have come to see London they spend the minimum amount of time at the tourist attractions. This link to Flickr shows more of my photos.

Originally uploaded by lucysimmons

Magical Mystery Tour!

A University trip where we were not told the destination! We just got on the Coach and found out when we got there! We passed through Southwold then, ended up in Sheringham, Norfolk. We did a few projects about being on the edge of the country, by the sea! All in all a good few days by the sea, fish and chip anice cream! See my Flickr page for more photos...

Originally uploaded by lucysimmons

Advertising Super Glue.

super glue ads from Lucy Pham on Vimeo.

This was for an advertising brief. To observe a product truth and to create an advert for it. Super glue is strong and fast drying, it will stick anything together.

FeelGood Drinks entry for YCN competition.

This competition brief required a light and friendly way to ‘spread feelgoodness’. These FeelGood drink dispensers are 18.5 Litres of Goodness. These would make people feel good in otherwise boring environments. They would be placed in communal spaces such as offices, schools and waiting areas, to make people FeelGood.

Soho Summer Party.

Whilst on work placement in the summer, I was given an individual project to work on. I had to advertise a Street Party in Soho. These posters would be put up in the surrounding areas to promote the event.

Typographic Codes.

Inspired by the pronunciation code in the dictionary, the aim was to create a simpler code with straightforward symbols could be used to signal similar sounds. This code could be used to teach people how to speak English. If they learnt how each symbol sounds, then they could understand the language quicker without having to worry about the spelling of English words.

New Religion.

The main pillar in religion is the holy book, followers search for advise and answers from these texts. We decided to convert this concept into the modern world by using newspapers as our scriptures, seeking guidance from the days edition for all the decisions we made that day. The book maps out the journey that developed through following the Daily Mail. The text guides the viewer around the journey, including page numbers for the viewer to refer to.

New Religion.

Just in Case.

I have always been interested in the idea of storage, how people use it and why people like to hold onto things. This lead me to explore attics as a storage place. I found that this space is used to keep items that are of sentimental value like old toys. It also has useful things like suitcases. The attic is also a place to store items incase they are ever needed. All the items above where found in attics I explored. When I asked the owner about them, they said they kept it ‘just in case’.

Just in Case.

Public Square.

I chose a square in the London A-Z to explore. My square in Bethnal Green featured the Museum of Childhood. This Museum attracts families and school parties from all over London. I noticed that the Museum is quite out of place within its location. I had the opportunity to change this by integrating the Museum with its surroundings. These toy sculptures would be placed around the local area in a trail towards the Museum, promoting their playful approach to childhood.

Public Square.

Moonwalk 09.

An eventful night. Well worth the aches and pains in the morning!

Moonwalk 09.

Me, my two sisters and mum completed a 13.1 mile walk on Saturday night, kitted out in decorated bras! It's all in aid of the 'Walk the Walk' charity, who raise money for Breast Cancer research projects, help for cancer sufferers and alot more. This is a charity very close to my families hearts and we hope to attend annually. This walk starts in Hyde Park and takes a route around the hotspots in London, but all at night! (Hence the MOONwalk) we started at 11:30pm and finished at 4:00 am. Earning us a well deserved medal at the end! 15,000 men and women took part this year, an amazing opportunity for a great cause. We  have managed to raise £500 collectively. You can still donate at:
There were alot of confused looking drunk people along the course, all not entirely sure if all the half dressed women were real or not!

Moonwalk 09


The Seaside.

Easter time: Visiting my childhood heaven- Herne Bay.  Coming back to it, older and wiser, I was able to see how much this seaside town has been rundown. It was filled with stereotypical English people, getting drunk in the middle of the day shouting and swearing at everyone. Within this change in social behaviour, I noticed how much the seaside furniture had also changed. There is no sign of the deckchair anymore and Punch and Judy seems a thing of the past. Instead there are many of these colourful bins around, a pityful attempt at making waste disposal appealing to children. 

AIDs Day 2007.

This film was made in the first year. It was a live brief for the AIDS/HIV charity- The Terrance Higgins Trust. We had to go out on World AIDs day, the 1st of Decmeber and raise as much money as we could in a creative way for a worthy cause.