Learning Letterforms - Write Start.

Portfolio Project:

The ‘Write Start’ teaching aid enables children to practise forming letter shapes. The letters will allow the child to trace the route of the letter using a coloured pen tool. Encouraging children to move small objects increases their fine motor skills which helps in writing.

This project featured on Johnson Banks Blog and Creative Reviews Blog

Improving the attitude towards the Cervical Screening Examination.

Portfolio Project:

This information pack would be sent to patients who had received ‘abnormal’ results from their preliminary cervical screening. It provides a friendly tone of voice that could help comfort women who have questions about the next examination- the colposcopy. The pack helps answer questions and provides the opportunity for the patient to have an online conversation with their Health Care Assistant prior to their appointment.

Fridge Application

Portfolio Project:

An application that uses existing RFID technology in fridges to create suggestions and recipes for your dinner based on what you already have in the kitchen. This would solve the daily issue of having to organise dinner time when you get home. The application keeps a constant reference to what is in your fridge so dinner can be decided whilst on the go.

My Ikea - the customer designed IKEA Catalogue.

Portfolio Project:

A sister website which would allow customers to upload photographs showing how they display their IKEA purchases. This would make a strong connection between IKEA and it’s customers, celebrating the individual. The site would provide inspiration for customers and a voting system would enable the most popular photographs to be included in the next edition of the IKEA catalogue.

Libre Culture Manifesto

Portfolio Project:

The manifesto focuses on copyright laws and how they are limiting the creative industry. This type piece works by interacting with the circular format and encourages the user to read selected points made within the manifesto. The user can fold it together to read an engaging statement as well as hiding less interesting points.

Kingston Graphic Design Degree Show Catalogue 2010

Portfolio Project:
A catalogue in a poster format shows the strength of the collective identity of our year group. The poster folds out and displays everyones work to provide a visual snapshot of what can be seen at the exhibiton. The tagline New Decade, New Generation, New Design promotes the year group rather than individuals.

Danger Photography

Portfolio Project:
This set of photographs look into momentary danger in your local area highlighting the need to be vigilant in a familiar place.

1st February 2010.

Four 16 year olds were attacked with wooden poles and a glass bottle in Southfields.

6th February 2010.

A 19 year old woman was subjected to a serious assault in Weybridge in the early hours of the morning,

she was on her way home from a night out when attacked.

26th March 2010.

A gang of up to 15 youths stole a mobile phone and wallet from a 19 year old man outside New Malden Station.

One boy wore a red bandana during the attack which was seen as part of a gang initiation.

20th March 2010.

A 13 year old boy was robbed by a 15 year old. He stole his mobile phone and cash in Steadfast Road, Kingston.

13th June 2009.

A 21 year old man was savagely beaten and left for dead in his flat in Surbiton.

The victim was left in a pool of blood for 12 hours before he was found.

The Poppy Factory

For one of my projects I looked into the method of remembrance and how that could updated into the 21st century. My research included a visit to the Poppy Factory in Richmond. This is the only one in England, all the poppies that are sold for remembrance day are made by hand at this factory. A team of 50 people – most of them disabled and ex-Service connected – work all year round. They also make wreaths laid by Her Majesty the Queen and other members of the Royal Family. Find out more on their website which has more information about what they do and visiting the factory. Heres a few photos of my visit.

Weasleys Wizard Wheezes

I am a massive fan of Harry Potter and all that comes with it, I would have loved to work on the graphic design team for the films, just look at some of the packaging they came up with for the Weasley twins shop. Just amazing.

See more of the range here
Images owned by Warner Bros

Harriet Russell

I borrowed her book from a friend, in it she explores the relationship between the letter writer and the postman. Challenging the postman to decipher to address in creative ways. I really like this project as it builds a connection between the two people, who are always divided by the front door. See her website

Royal Opera House

I went to the Royal Opera House to see Romeo and Juliet as a ballet. It was incredible, and so is the building.

Beauty Pageants

I came across these two photographers whilst researching a project on Beauty Pageants. I like their work because its really kitsch and cute looking but creepy and unnatural at the same time.
The photographers are Colby Katz and Susan Anderson

Colby Katz

Susan Anderson

Thomas Struth

Whilst looking at tourist behaviour, I came across photographer Thomas Struth. Take photographers musuem visitors looking at the exhibitions. I fond them really interesting as it shows how people react with the space, the work and the people around them

See more of his work here

Tour Bus photos

I am very fond of London and I know it quite well. I've always been interested in how tour buses show off our city to tourists that do not know it. I documented my journey on the bus, looking at the passengers behaviour and how they react to the tourist attractions we passed along the way

Picture Postcard Magazine

I met the editor of the PPM at the Fair, I'm even featured in the next edition!