you can kingston

YouCanKingston is a project that aims to work with the community to bringing lasting health service benefits to the Cambridge Road Estate in Kingston. The project was hosted by ThinkPublic, they invited people from the Uniiverstiy to join them in there project. We were invloved with painting the logos for the campaign around the estate and doing questionnaires in and around the local area to get more people involved with the organisation. More photos of the project can be seen on the youcankingston flickr site or at:

Our efforts were noticed by the local paper, The Surrey Comet. The article can be seen here:
Originally uploaded by thinkpublic

Well dressed walking man.

Walking through town I saw these signs with added fancy clothing, very nice!

Carpeted Streets?

The local Carpet Cleaning company put all these carpets and rugs out on the surrounding pavement to dry out. It was just very odd to walk past!